UNESCO ICH - 19th session of the Intergovernmental Committee - 4 December 2024
Posted: 04-12-2024 23:55 | Views: 231
Speech by the executive director of the Hellenic Sinology Center Dr. Elena Avramidou (I.U. UNESCO Chair) at the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum in Crete
Posted: 10-08-2024 14:52 | Views: 731
"Nikos Kazantzakis and Lu Xun: Convergences and divergences" was the topic of the speech of the executive director and coordinator of the Hellenic Center for Sinology Dr. Elena Avramidou at the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum in Myrtia, Crete, during the unveiling ceremony of the sculptural composition "Dialogue of Souls Lu Sun and Kazantzakis". The work is by the well-known Chinese artist Wu (...)
Panel discussion on “Stolen Identities: Between Cultural Heritage, Art Collections, and Looting”
Posted: 30-05-2024 10:24 | Views: 855
On May 25, 2024, Professor Ioannis Mylonopoulos, Columbia University, organised a panel on “Stolen Identities: Between Cultural Heritage, Art Collections, and Looting” at the Maria Callas Museum in Athens.
Among the experts invited were two distinguished members of the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage of the Ionian University, Dr. Christos Tsirogiannis and Dr. Catherine Titi. The (...)
Human Rights in the Era of Information
Posted: 02-02-2024 21:58 | Views: 1104
Interdisciplinary Conference Friday 17 and Saturday 18 May 2024, Reading Society of CorfuHuman Rights in the Information Age:Reference points of history, law, ethics and culture
Co-organization of the Cultural and Historical Heritage Documentation Laboratory of TABM, Ionian University, the IHRC Research Group of TABM, Ionian University and the Association of Philologists of Corfu with the (...)
Introduction of the Chinese Language to the Ionian University
Posted: 02-02-2024 18:31 | Views: 7619
2024, the chinese year of the Dragon
Teaching the Chinese Language at I.U.
The teaching of the Chinese language is offered to the students of the Ionian University without tuition fees based on the relevant agreement signed between the Ionian University, the Department of Foreign Languages Translation and Interpreting and the UNESCO Chair of the Ionian University with the Chinese Center (...)
Season's Greetings from the Team of the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage!
Posted: 17-12-2023 22:35 | Views: 5756
Intangible Cultural Heritage throwback: a publication of the first graduation day at the Ionian University (DFLTI) 1989
Posted: 08-12-2023 00:37 | Views: 3347
The graduation days at the Ionian University's Departments on 7th-8th December 2023 offer the opportunity to share a small but important part of our university's and island's intangible heritage: a publication on the first graduation ceremony of the Ionian University in April 1989; the first graduates were students of the Department of Foreign Languages and Interpreting.
The Ionian University UNESCO Chair at the 42nd UNESCO General Conference - An Account
Posted: 25-11-2023 17:35 | Views: 3949
The 42nd session of UNESCO General Conference represented a showcase to the world of what multilateralism in action means.
Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General
Posted: 23-11-2023 20:46 | Views: 1027
The UNESCO Chair onThreats to Cultural Heritage of the Ionian University is proud supporter of the International Scientific Conference on the anniversary of 140 years since the birth of Nikos Kazantzakis and 35 years since the foundation of the International Society of Friends of Nikos Kazantzakis (IFNK) entitled "MEETINGS AND KAZANTZAKIS' TEXTS FOR NON-GREEK WRITERS AND ARTISTS" ; 25-26 November 2023 in the Center of the History of Thessaloniki, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Kazantzakis was a consultant to UNESCO for the promotion of translations of the classics of world literature, with the aim of bridging the cultures of East and West (1947-1948).
The UNESCO Chair of the Ionian University is included in the Greek National Delegation for the 42nd UNESCO General Conference
Posted: 09-11-2023 00:30 | Views: 2764
Start: 09-11-2023 |End: 20-11-2023
The UNESCO Chair for Threats to the Cultural Heritage of the Ionian University was included following a proposal by the Greek National Commission for UNESCO in the Greek National Delegation for the 42nd General Conference of UNESCO that will take place from November 7 to 22, 2023, at the Organization's Headquarters in Paris. The Greek National Delegation is headed by the Minister of (...)
UNESCO Chair's PhD candidate Athina Fatsea taking part at the12th Panionian Conference
Posted: 23-10-2023 21:54 | Views: 1277
At the 12th Panionian Conference, that was held in Zante from 18 to 21 October 2023, Dr. Maritina Leontsini, PhD, Lecturer Harokopio University and NKUA, Mrs Athina Fatsea, PhD Candidate and Researcher, UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage-related Activities, Ionian University and Rigas Zafeiriou, Sustainable Food Systems Programme Manager, Mediterranean Institute for (...)
Presentation of the book by Alex Papadopoulos and Triantafyllos Petridis
Posted: 09-05-2023 02:12 | Views: 900
The UNESCO Chair of the Ionian University, GEOLab of the Department of Foreign Languages Translation and Interpreting and the Library and Information Center of the Ionian University organized on Wednesday 3-5-23 at the Central Library of the Ionian University (72 Ioannou Theotokis Str.) at 19.00 the presentation of the book by Alex Papadopoulos and Triantafyllos Petridis
Hellenic Statecraft and (...)