UNESCO ICH - 19th session of the Intergovernmental Committee - 4 December 2024
Posted: 04-12-2024 23:55 | Views: 232
Speech by the executive director of the Hellenic Sinology Center Dr. Elena Avramidou (I.U. UNESCO Chair) at the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum in Crete
Posted: 10-08-2024 14:52 | Views: 731
"Nikos Kazantzakis and Lu Xun: Convergences and divergences" was the topic of the speech of the executive director and coordinator of the Hellenic Center for Sinology Dr. Elena Avramidou at the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum in Myrtia, Crete, during the unveiling ceremony of the sculptural composition "Dialogue of Souls Lu Sun and Kazantzakis". The work is by the well-known Chinese artist Wu (...)
Human Rights in the Era of Information
Posted: 02-02-2024 21:58 | Views: 1105
Interdisciplinary Conference Friday 17 and Saturday 18 May 2024, Reading Society of CorfuHuman Rights in the Information Age:Reference points of history, law, ethics and culture
Co-organization of the Cultural and Historical Heritage Documentation Laboratory of TABM, Ionian University, the IHRC Research Group of TABM, Ionian University and the Association of Philologists of Corfu with the (...)
The Ionian University UNESCO Chair at the 42nd UNESCO General Conference - An Account
Posted: 25-11-2023 17:35 | Views: 3950
The 42nd session of UNESCO General Conference represented a showcase to the world of what multilateralism in action means.
Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General
Posted: 23-11-2023 20:46 | Views: 1029
The UNESCO Chair onThreats to Cultural Heritage of the Ionian University is proud supporter of the International Scientific Conference on the anniversary of 140 years since the birth of Nikos Kazantzakis and 35 years since the foundation of the International Society of Friends of Nikos Kazantzakis (IFNK) entitled "MEETINGS AND KAZANTZAKIS' TEXTS FOR NON-GREEK WRITERS AND ARTISTS" ; 25-26 November 2023 in the Center of the History of Thessaloniki, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Kazantzakis was a consultant to UNESCO for the promotion of translations of the classics of world literature, with the aim of bridging the cultures of East and West (1947-1948).
UNESCO Chair's PhD candidate Athina Fatsea taking part at the12th Panionian Conference
Posted: 23-10-2023 21:54 | Views: 1278
At the 12th Panionian Conference, that was held in Zante from 18 to 21 October 2023, Dr. Maritina Leontsini, PhD, Lecturer Harokopio University and NKUA, Mrs Athina Fatsea, PhD Candidate and Researcher, UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage-related Activities, Ionian University and Rigas Zafeiriou, Sustainable Food Systems Programme Manager, Mediterranean Institute for (...)
Hybrid Workshop "Threats to Cultural Heritage: normative and ethical approaches and contradictions"
Posted: 01-03-2023 20:48 | Views: 5751
Important Date: 15-03-2023
The UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage, the Laboratory for Geocultural Analyses (GEOLab), Department F.L.T.I. and the Laboratory for the Documentation of Cultural & Historic Heritage, Department ALMS of the Ionian University organised on 15th March 2023 18:00-20:30 a hybrid Workshop "Threats to Cultural Heritage: normative and ethical approaches and contradictions".
UNESCO Chair TCHER participated in the UNESCO Regional Consultation for Europe and North America for the development of the future UNESCO framework for Culture and Arts Education
Posted: 12-02-2023 00:25 | Views: 692
From January 2023 to February 2023, UNESCO is organizing a series of online regional consultations. Each consultation is being hosted by a Member State from the region, according to UNESCO Electoral Groups. The consultations provide a platform to bring forward nuanced and contextualized perspectives of regional concerns and priorities in culture and arts education. The outcomes of the six regional (...)
Dr. Dionysios Demetis, received the Association for Information Systems (AIS) senior scholars Best Publication Award
Posted: 15-12-2022 23:38 | Views: 1253
Dr. Dionysios Demetis, Senior Lecturer at Hull University, UK, member of the Steering Group of the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage and Cultura Heritage related Activities was awarded the AIS senior scholars Best Publication Award.
Participation of the UNESCO Chair at the IU at the 30th anniversary celebration of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme
Posted: 14-11-2022 01:33 | Views: 1987
UNESCO has convenend a 30th anniversary celebration of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme. This anniversary conference celebrated the accomplishments over the last three decades and advance authentic interdisciplinary dialogues and the cross-sectoral mobilization needed to confront complex challenges on the horizon.
WORKSHOP on Digital Technologies and the future of Illicit trafficking of Cultural Property
Posted: 26-10-2022 02:52 | Views: 1012
The UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage organised ον 10/11/2022 a WORKSHOP on Digital Technologies and the future of Illicit trafficking of Cultural Property during EUROMED 2022 International Conference on Digital Heritage - The workshop focused on the latest developments in the use of technologies in the field of illicit antiquities research and on the multidisciplinary dimensions of heritage protection. Various academics presented some of the most important and recent projects, including cross-disciplinary research on already repatriated antiquities and the monitoring of the international antiquities market.
UNESCO Chair holder Professor Stavros Katsios was invited speaker at the CORFU2042 Conference, 21-23 October 2022, Ionian Academy, Corfu, Greece
Posted: 26-10-2022 01:58 | Views: 864
Does the past have a future? Corfu and the promise for sustainability of a World Cultural Heritage city